Eco-Friendly Evolution: How Green Logistics is Changing Supply Chains?

  • Tejal Patel

  • 3.02.24

Green logistics is revolutionizing supply chains with its rapid growth and tech-driven efficiency. In 2021, the global market was valued at over a trillion dollars and is projected to soar to nearly $1.5 trillion by 2028, growing at a 6.10% annual rate.

This surge is powered by large enterprises, especially in the transportation and automotive sectors, embracing sustainable practices like electric vehicles. Leading this eco-friendly charge, the Asia-Pacific region, including India, is at the forefront, driven by digital innovations and strict environmental regulations.

The Dual Shift in Indian Logistics

In India’s logistics, businesses outsource for efficiency, and global firms prioritize eco-friendliness. This dual shift is reshaping consumer preferences and the industry landscape.

Impact on Consumer Preferences and Industry Landscape

This shift is significantly influencing consumer preferences. Today’s consumers are more environmentally conscious and prefer to engage with brands that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. This change is driving companies to adopt green logistics practices not just for operational efficiency but also to maintain a positive brand image.

Global firms, with their advanced sustainability practices and stringent environmental policies, are playing a crucial role in catalyzing this trend in India. Their presence and policies are encouraging Indian companies to adopt similar green logistics practices to stay competitive in the global market.

Smart Consideration for EV Investment

Advantages of Green Logistics Technology in India


Green logistics significantly enhances a brand’s image. By adopting sustainable practices, companies in India can attract a growing segment of eco-conscious consumers, thereby not just doing good for the planet but also for their brand reputation.

Environmental Impact

In a country grappling with high pollution levels, green logistics is a beacon of hope. By reducing carbon emissions through efficient fuel usage and alternative energy sources, green logistics is playing a crucial role in India’s pollution reduction efforts.

Operational Savings

Implementing green logistics isn’t just about environmental stewardship; it’s also economically beneficial in the long run. Improved fuel efficiency, reduced waste, and optimized supply chain operations lead to significant cost savings for businesses.

Regulatory Adherence

With India imposing stricter environmental norms, adopting green logistics is becoming a necessity for compliance. Companies aligning with these norms are finding it easier to navigate the regulatory landscape.

Innovation Boost

Lastly, the push towards green logistics is fostering innovation within the industry. Companies are exploring new technologies and processes, from electric vehicles to AI-driven supply chain management, propelling the industry towards a more sustainable future.

Challenges in Implementing Green Logistics in India

Infrastructure Gaps

One of the significant hurdles in the path of green logistics in India is the inadequacy of infrastructure, particularly for electric vehicles (EVs). The limited number of charging stations across the country poses a substantial challenge, especially for long-haul logistics. This gap necessitates strategic adaptation, where any logistics company in Kolkata, Mumbai or other cities need to plan routes more meticulously and may have to invest in creating their charging infrastructure to ensure seamless operations.

Initial Investment

Transitioning to green logistics often involves a higher initial investment, particularly when it comes to acquiring eco-friendly vehicles and setting up sustainable warehousing and distribution systems. This higher upfront cost can be a deterrent for many businesses, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that operate with limited capital. Finding ways to reduce these initial costs or providing incentives and financial support could be key to encouraging more companies to make this transition.

Range and Cargo Limits

Electric vehicles, although environmentally friendly, currently face challenges in terms of range and cargo capacity, especially in a country with diverse terrain like India. The limited range of EVs can hinder long-distance transportation, while their cargo capacity may not always match that of traditional diesel trucks. Addressing these issues requires ongoing technological advancements and perhaps a more hybrid approach in the interim, combining traditional and green logistics methods.

Final Thoughts!

The transition to this technology in India presents both challenges and opportunities. While infrastructure gaps, initial investment costs, and range and cargo limits pose hurdles, successful case studies demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of this transition. Balancing economic growth with environmental responsibility requires a multifaceted approach, involving technological advancements, supportive policies, and collaborative efforts. The future of logistics in India is green, and its successful implementation will be a key driver for sustainable economic growth.